User Submission Policy
By choosing to submit content to (the “Site”), you agree to the following terms.
By submitting your entry, you agree that your entry becomes the sole and exclusive property of the Site as of the date your entry is submitted. The Site shall acquire and own all copyrights and all other rights to the entry and the material therein. The Site and its operator shall have the right to make any copying, derivation, modification, reproduction, broadcast, publication, licensing, or other use whatsoever of the entry and the material therein, including reproduction of the entry material for publication, marketing, commercial, and promotional uses. By submitting your entry, you understand and acknowledge that you will not retain any rights to your entry and you agree to forever waive any such rights and claims to any rights in your entry and the materials therein.
This site is moderated for violence, language, and adult themes. Material posted here is appropriate for children of all ages based on these criteria.